So the other day my husband says to me, “Why don’t you ever make that chicken you used to with the caramelized onion and peppers and provolone?”
What the??? Damn it, Joel have you gotten into the bourbon again? I had NO idea what he was talking about. Really… not a clue. So a few days after that he decides to make dinner. It was nice, he used to cook a lot PK (pre-Kids). He is actually wonderful. He once made this filet with oranges and balsamic vinegar… sheesh… I digress , anyway, he cooked the other night. You will never guess what he made? Yep. Then while we were eating it he said, “Yeah, I remembered you didn’t make this I used to get it at the Depot Grill.”
I swear…men!! Anyway, there is not a lot of recipe to it. He sautéed 1 orange pepper ( you could use any color…go ahead get crazy) and 1 small onion, until they were nice and brown and caramelized. Meanwhile he heated some oil until smoking and put the chicken in (he had seasoned the chicken with red pepper flake, garlic and salt) in and seared it, cooking about 3-5 minutes on each side. While doing all this he heated the oven to 350. Once the chicken was good and brown on the outside he put it in a pan topped it with the caramelized onions and green peppers, topped it with provolone and popped it in the oven for 10 minutes.
Man alive that was good. I mean good, it really was much better than it sounded to me, and it was nice to sit back and relax.
If you haven't (even if you have...) go by and see... really, just trust me!
Wonderings .
My Tasty Treasures
Chef E at Behind the Wheel Chef
So what cut of chicken is that? It looks bigger than breasts but certainly not halved birds. Bone in breasts maybe?
Sounds and looks great!
they were actually really big boneless skinless. They were huge though.
We LOVE baked chicken but I've never thought of adding onions and peppers?! Yummy!!
He made a good save there with the grill place. Nice cover up for his girlfriend who always used to make that dish. PK, post kids. Gotta love some strange dish! Next time try adding some Colt45, don't let the smooth taste fool you though, girl, alrigggggght! Cuz Billy Dee sez so!
Tried this tonight because I didn't know what to make and I had an Onion, Green Pepper, and Chicken... Googled those 3 items and this came up... CAME OUT AWESOME!!!! My 1 1/2 yr old even ate it! :o)
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