Thursday, March 4, 2010

Who the Hell Said This Would be a Success Only Journey?

Cuz they lied.

I was excited to start the chronicles. This, was snapped at dinner last night. Jillian did not want to eat dinner. In her words, “iz yucky.” The rule is, you don’t have to eat but you do have to stay while the rest eat. She went… postal. Absolutley and totally, postal. So she got put in the other room until she could pull it together. I simply told her when she could calm down to please come back because we would miss her. She wailed, she screamed… I grabbed the camera. Funny taking pictures of her must have made her realize she was acting a fool and she stopped.

Then she sat at the table.

Then she ate.

Turns out the avocado wasn’t so yucky after all, turns out “iz yummy mama.”

And there you go…


Anonymous said...

OMG, that picture is priceless!

When my daughter was little, we would drive by McDonald's every day on the way home from day care. She would see the golden arches and ask "can I get a happy meal?" To which my empty pocket book always said no.

I decided to buy cheap white lunch bags - back then they were a dime a bag. I had her decorate the bags with stickers, markers etc. I stored them in a drawer in the kitchen with small toys from the dollar store.

Whatever I made for dinner I would wrap up in tupperware or in wax paper, but the food in one of her decorated bags and put in a prize - I then brought my Mommy Happy Meal to the table and put it in front of her.

It didn't matter that she could see on the table what we were having, but she would be so excited to see what was in her Mommy Happy Meal!

And now she's all grown up - she'll be 18 over the weekend!

Joie de vivre said...

I feel for you. I have had many an evening like this. Just stay consistent.

Sweet Cheeks said...

that is an awesome idea Biz... I am going to have try that!

Sweet Cheeks said...

so funny, you think, "look guys it is the same drill every night.." I never quite get one some nights they are so sure, they can overthrow the powers that be :)

Cate said...

perfect. such a good mama!

AmyT said...

that is such a great idea - I know I have made my kids something different if the didn't 'like' or want what we were having. I like the idea of what you do!!! (she is such a cutie)

Chef E said...

I love biz319's story! I did stuff like that too...I was a mean mean mommy, I never let my kids go without trying vegetables, and to this day my son loves all food...

Hey I do not have your email, my outlook crashed, and we had to start all over, I wanted to send you some twitter hints to help, it made my life so much easier!

PS we find that all parents are in similar situations in life, so do our kids when they grow up and begin talking about what went on in their houses...ah the memories you dredge up in my heart!

Joie de vivre said...

That pouty picture is just too much! I know I just saw it yesterday, but she is adorable! Marmite is just another brand of Vegemite as far as I can tell. You can't find vegemite in the States, but you can find Marmite. Perhaps that is their international variety? In my health food store, they carry a product called "kefir starter" by yogourmet. It is just a little packet of stuff. You bring 1 quart of milk to boil, let it cool down, add the powder, and then let it sit on the counter undisturbed for 24 hours. Then you put it in the fridge for 8 hours to stop the innoculation. Like I said, it is really easy, but it takes some forethought. I've seen some posts on the web about making kefir from kefir grains. I haven't tried that process yet and it looks a little more complicated than the kefir starter. I've also seen yogourmet kefir starter on Amazon if it's not available in your town. That is where I buy my yogurt starter sometimes as well. Thanks for visiting!

Kitchen Butterfly said...

Awwww.......similar scenes replay daily, across oceans and over mountains............yucky to yummy - greatest compliment ever from a budding gourmand!

Chris said...

Hilarious! She's quite the actor isn't she?

Judy said...

The photos are so precious. You handled it all so beautifully, congratulations.

Rico said...

Thanks for the story lovely kid you have there..looks like an angel...also liked the lolly one lol kisses xxx

Swestie said...

Can't believe how big she is!